Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Manhattan ... [^_^]

Manhattan (coterminous with New York County) is one of the five boroughs of New York City. With a 2007 population of 1,620,867 living in a land area of 22.96 square miles (59.47 km²), it is the most densely populated county in the United States at 70,595 residents per square mile (27,267/km²). It is also the wealthiest county in the United States, with a 2005 personal per capita income above $100,000. The borough consists of Manhattan Island, Roosevelt Island, Randalls Island, almost one-tenth of Ellis Island, the above-water portion of Liberty Island, several much smaller islands, and a small section on the mainland of New York State adjacent to the Bronx.

Manhattan is a major commercial, financial, and cultural center of the United States and the world. Most major radio, television, and telecommunications companies in the United States are based here, as well as many news, magazine, book, and other media publishers. Manhattan has many famous landmarks, tourist attractions, museums, and universities. It is also home to the headquarters of the United Nations. Manhattan has the largest central business district in the United States, is the site of both the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, and is the home to the largest number of corporate headquarters in the nation. It is indisputably the center of New York City and the New York metropolitan region, holding the seat of city government, and the largest fraction of employment, business, and recreational activities.

The name Manhattan derives from the word Manna-hata, as written in the 1609 logbook of Robert Juet, an officer on Henry Hudson's yacht Halve Maen (Half Moon). A 1610 map depicts the name Manahata twice, on both the west and east sides of the Mauritius River (later named the Hudson River). The word "Manhattan" has been translated as "island of many hills" from the Lenape language. The Encyclopedia of New York City offers other derivations, including from the Munsee dialect of Lenape: manahachtanienk ("place of general inebriation"), manahatouh ("place where timber is procured for bows and arrows"), or menatay ("island").

Manhattan has been the scene of many important American cultural movements. In 1912, about 20,000 workers, a quarter of them women, marched on Washington Square Park to commemorate the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which killed 146 workers on March 25, 1911. Many of the women wore fitted tucked-front blouses like those manufactured by the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, a clothing style that became the working woman's uniform and a symbol of female independence, reflecting the alliance of labor and suffrage movements. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s established the African-American literary canon in the United States. Manhattan's vibrant visual art scene in the 1950s and 1960s was a center of the American pop art movement, which gave birth to such giants as Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein. Perhaps no other artist is as associated with the downtown pop art movement of the late 1970s as Andy Warhol, who socialized at clubs like Serendipity 3 and Studio 54.

A popular haven for art, the downtown neighborhood of Chelsea is widely known for its galleries and cultural events, with more than 200 art galleries that are home to modern art from upcoming artists and respected artists as well.

Broadway theatre is often considered the highest professional form of theatre in the United States. Plays and musicals are staged in one of the 39 larger professional theatres with at least 500 seats, almost all in and around Times Square. Off-Broadway theatres feature productions in venues with 100-500 seats. A little more than a mile from Times Square is the Lincoln Center, home to one of the world's most prestigious opera houses, that of the Metropolitan Opera.

Manhattan is also home to some of the most extensive art collections, both contemporary and historical, in the world including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Guggenheim Museum.

Manhattan is the borough most closely associated with New York City by non-residents; even some natives of New York City's outer boroughs will describe a trip to Manhattan as "going to the city".

The borough has a place in several American idioms. The phrase "a New York minute" is meant to convey a very short period of time, sometimes in hyperbolic form, as in "perhaps faster than you would believe is possible". It refers to the rapid pace of life in Manhattan. The term "melting pot" was first popularly coined to describe the densely populated immigrant neighborhoods on the Lower East Side in Israel Zangwill's play The Melting Pot, which was an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet set by Zangwill in New York City in 1908. The iconic Flatiron Building is said to have been the source of the phrase "23 skidoo" or scram, from what cops would shout at men who tried to get glimpses of women's dresses being blown up by the winds created by the triangular building. The "Big Apple" dates back to the 1920s, when a reporter heard the term used by New Orleans stablehands to refer to New York City's racetracks and named his racing column "Around The Big Apple." Jazz musicians adopted the term to refer to the city as the world's jazz capital, and a 1970s ad campaign by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau helped popularize the term.

Bakat bisnis

Mau Punya Bakat Bisnis ?

Ada seseorang mengeluh, ia merasa tidak bisa berbisnis karena tak punya bakat. Menurutnya, tak satu pun dari orang tua, kakek nenek atau buyutnya yang jadi pebisnis, asli karyawan semua.

Apakah karena keturunan karyawan, bisa dipastikan kita jadi karyawan seumur hidup ? Benarkah kita perlu bakat untuk bisa berbisnis?

Sebenarnya istilah "bakat" itu lebih bisa diartikan sebagai lingkungan daripada genetika atau keturunan pebisnis. Kenyataannya, lingkungan memang punya kekuatan yang sangat besar dalam membentuk karakter atau kemampuan seseorang.

Bukan gara-gara orangtua berstatus karyawan maka sekarang pun anda jadi karyawan. Tapi lebih karena lingkungan yang mengkondisikan anda menjadi karyawan sejak kecil. Kalau hanya mengandalkan bakat atau keturunan, mestinya kita tidak mengenal nama-nama seperti Bob Sadino, Martha Tilaar, Kolonel Sanders (KFC) dll

Jika sekarang anda merasa tak punya bakat bisnis, itu karena anda memang belum pernah bersentuhan dengan lingkungan bisnis. Jangankan mencoba berbisnis, mendengar kata "bisnis" saja serasa alergi :)

Kadang alasan ini juga sering dipakai untuk berkelit menolak tawaran bisnis yang datang. Anda lebih suka bilang "saya nggak punya bakat bisnis" daripada "saya nggak ngerti sama sekali soal bisnis".

Mulai gali potensi diri anda semaksimal mungkin. Cari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya tentang bisnis dari orang-orang yang terbukti sukses. Perluaslah jejaring dengan bergabung dalam komunitas bisnis yang penuh semangat dan pikiran positif untuk berbisnis.

Dan, yang paling penting, mulailah sekarang juga!!

Masih bingung mau mulai dari mana? check this out..

Goodluck! :)

Senin, 14 Juli 2008



To the men : warn your loved ones!
To the women : remember this!

About a month ago there was a woman standing by the Mega Mall entrance passing out flyers to all the women going in. The woman had written the flyer herself to tell about an experience shehad, so that she might warn other women.
The previous day, this woman had finished shopping, went out to her car and discovered that she had a flat. She got the jack out of the trunk and began to change the flat. A nice man dressed in business suit and carrying a briefcase walked up to her and said, 'I notice you're changing a flat tire. Would you like me to take care of it for you?'
The woman was grateful for his offer and accepted his help. They chatted amiably while the man changed the flat, and then put the flat tire and the jack in the trunk, shut it and dusted his hands off.
The woman thanked him profusely, and as she was about to get in her car, the man told her that he left his car around on the other side of the mall, and asked if she would mind giving him a lift to his car. She was a little surprised and asked him why his car was on the other side. He explained that he had met an old friend in the mall whom he hadn't seen for some time and they had a bite to eat and visited for a while; he got turned around in the mall and left through the wrong exit, and now he was running late and his car was clear around on the other side of the mall.
The woman hated to tell him 'no' because he had just rescued her from having to change her flat tire all by herself, but she felt uneasy. Then she remembered seeing the man put his briefcasein her trunk before shutting it and before he asked her for the ride to his car.
She told him that she'd be happy to drive him to his car, but she just remembered one last thing she needed to buy. She said she would only be a few minutes; he could sit down in her car and wait for her; she would be as quick as she could be. She hurried into the mall, and told a security guard what had happened; the guard came out to her car with her, but the man had left..
They opened the trunk, took out his locked briefcase and took it down to the police station. The police opened it (ostensibly to look for ID so they could return it to the man). What they found was rope, duct tape and knives.
When the police checked her 'flat' tire, there was nothing wrong with it; the air had simply been let out. It was obvious what the man's motive was, and obvious that he had carefully thought it out in advance.
The woman was blessed to have escaped harm. How much worse it would have been had she waited in the car while the man fixed the tire, or if she had a baby strapped into a car seat. Or if she'd gone against her judgment and given him a lift.

I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know..
It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle.I was going to send this to the ladies only; but guys,if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it on to them as well.

Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it....better safe than sorry.

Pass this along to every woman you meet. Never let your guard down.

Biarlah cerita nyata ini menjadi peringatan

Untuk para pria : peringatilah orang yang Anda kasihi !
Untuk para wanita : ingatlah akan hal ini !

Sekitar satu bulan ada seorang wanita sedang berdiri di Pintu masuk Mega Mall dan sedang membagikan flyer kepada semua wanita yang masuk ke mall tersebut. Wanita tersebut telah menulis sendiri flyer tersebut untuk menceritakan mengenai pengalaman yang dialaminya, sehingga dia dapat memperingati wanita lainnya.
Sehari sebelumnya, wanita ini telah selesai berbelanja,keluar menuju ke mobilnya dan mendapati bahwa ban mobilnya kempEs. Dia mengeluarkan dongkrak dari bagasi dan mulai mengganti ban yang kempes itu. Seorang pria yang ramah dengan pakaian bisnis dan membawa sebuah koper menghampiri dia dan berkata, 'Saya perhatikan Anda sedang mengganti ban yang kempes. Maukah Anda membiarkan saya yang melakukannya untuk Anda?'
Wanita tersebut sangat berterima kasih dengan tawarannya dan menerima pertolongannya. Mereka bercakap-cakap dengan ramah sementara sang pria mengganti ban kempEs tersebut, dan meletakkan ban kempes serta dongkrak ke dalam bagasi,menutupnya dan membersihkan tangannya.
Wanita tersebut sangat berterima kasih kepadanya, dan ketika dia hendak masuk ke mobilnya, pria tersebut mengatakan bahwa dia memarkir mobilnya di bagian lain dari mall tersebut, dan
bertanya apakah wanita tersebut tidak keberatan untuk memberinya tumpangan sampai ke mobilnya.Wanita tersebut sedikit terkejut dan menanyakan mengapa mobil pria tersebut ada di bagian lain. Pria itu menjelaskan bahwa dia baru saja bertemu dengan teman lama di mall yang sudah lama tidak ditemuinya dan mereka baru saja makan dan bercengkerama sebentar; dia kemudian berjalan ke arah sebaliknya dari mall tersebut dan keluar melalui pintu yang salah, dan dia sekarang telat dan mobilnya berada di bagian lain dari mall tersebut.
Wanita tersebut merasa sungkan untuk berkata 'tidak' karena dia baru saja menolongnya sehingga tidak perlu mengganti bannya sendirian, tetapi dia merasa gelisah. Kemudian dia teringat melihat pria tersebut menaruh kopernya ke dalam bagasinya sebelum menutupnya dan sebelum pria itu bertanya apakah dia bisa menumpang di mobilnya.
Wanita tersebut berkata bahwa dia sangat ingin mengantar pria tersebut ke mobilnya, tetapi dia baru saja ingat bahwa masih ada yang harus dibelinya. Wanita itu berkata bahwa dia hanya akan sebentar; pria tersebut dapat duduk di mobilnya dan menunggunya; dia akan secepatnya kembali. Wanita tersebut kemudian tergesa-gesa masuk ke dalam mall dan memberitahu satpam apa yang telah terjadi; satpam tersebut mendatangi mobilnya, akan tetapi pria tersebut telah hilang..
Mereka kemudian membuka bagasinya, mengambil koper pria tersebut yang masih terkunci dan membawanya ke kantor polisi. Polisi kemudian membukanya (tentu saja untuk mencari kartu
identitasnya sehingga dapat mengembalikannya kepada pria tersebut). Apa yang mereka temukan ternyata tali, plester dan pisau.
Ketika polisi memeriksa bannya yang kempes, tidak ada yang salah dengan bannya; udaranya telah dikeluarkan dengan sengaja. Jelaslah motif pria tersebut, dan jelas pula bahwa dia telah merencanakannya dari awal.
Wanita tersebut masih diberkati dan telah lolos dari bahaya. Betapa akan lebih buruk jadinya bila dia menunggu di dalam mobil sementara pria tersebut memperbaiki bannya, atau jika ada bayi di dalam mobilnya. Atau dia tidak menghiraukan kata hatinya dan memberi pria tersebut tumpangan.

Saya ingin Anda mem-forward hal ini ke semua wanita yang Anda kenal..
Hal tersebut mungkin dapat menyelamatkan sebuah nyawa. Cahaya sebuah lilin tidak berkurang dengan nyalanya lilin lain. Saya sebenarnya ngin mengirimkannya kepada para wanita; tetapi
untuk para pria, jika Anda mengasihi ibu, isteri, saudara perempuan, anak perempuan Anda, dan lainnya, Anda dapat mengirimkannya kepada mereka juga.
Kirimkan ini ke semua wanita yang Anda kenal yang patut diingatkan bahwa dunia yang kita tinggali banyak memiliki kegilaan... lebih baik berhati-hati daripada menyesal.

Mohon berhati-hati daripada menyesal !
Hanya sebuah peringatan untuk selalu waspada dan menggunakan akal sehat Anda !!!
Sebarkan hal ini kepada setiap wanita yang Anda termui. Jangan pernah Anda lengah.


Semilidetik Untuk Meraih Emas

Jika setiap pagi bank memberi anda pinjaman uang sebesar Rp. 86.400,- bebas untuk digunakan hanya pada hari itu saja, apa yang anda lakukan? Pastinya anda akan memanfaatkan uang itu sebaik-baiknya sebelum hari itu berakhir. Daripada hangus begitu saja, ya kan?.....

Kita semua memiliki bank seperti itu, namanya WAKTU. Setiap pagi, ia akan memberi anda pinjaman 86.400 detik yang akan hangus jika tidak digunakan pada hari itu juga. Tidak ada waktu tambahan dan tidak ada juga “uang muka” untuk pinjaman esok harinya. Jadi, gunakan waktu anda sebaik-baiknya dan mulailah bertindak sekarang juga.....

Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SETAHUN, tanyakan pada murid yang tidak naik kelas.

Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEBULAN, tanyakan pada ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur

Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEHARI, tanyakan pada tukang bakso yang tidak bisa jualan hari ini.

Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEMENIT, tanyakan pada orang yang ketinggalan pesawat terbang

Agar tahu pentingnya waktu SEMILIDETIK, tanyakan pada peraih medali perak cabang renang di Olimpiade